What to do if the faucet is blocked




Addtime2018-08-09 16:46:44

The water quality in different areas is different. In some places, when there are more impurities in the water, it is easy to cause the faucet in the house to be blocked. Of course, this will happen if it is not used for a long time without maintenance.

What should I do if the faucet is blocked?

1. If there is a problem with the quality of its own, then we need to close the main valve and then replace it with a new one.

2. If it is because the scale deposit in the tap water is blocked, then we can disassemble the faucet and then pour some hydrochloric acid into it for scouring. If there is no hydrochloric acid, we can also use white vinegar to soak the scale and continue to use it.

3. If we haven't used the faucet for a long time, it may be that it has rust inside. At this point we can use some rust and rust-proof lubricants, which have good affinity and permeability to metals. The rust layer and the metal layer can be separated. Make the rusted part and the metal contact surface and leave a protective film. Of course, the faucet is made of stainless steel.

4. If the water flow is smooth, there may be a blockage in the pipe. At this time, we can use the high-pressure water mode of the shower head used in the bathroom to force the punch. If the foreign matter is larger and more stubborn, the hard wire can be used. Insert the faucet to clear it.
